के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ विश्वविद्यालय शैक्षणिक पाठ्यक्रम प्रोग्राम्स में स्पेन 2025
LCI Barcelona Study Abroad
LCI Barcelona Study Abroad
- Barcelona, स्पेन
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
Quality Fly Aviation Academy
Quality Fly Aviation Academy
- Madrid, स्पेन
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
Joviat Culinary Arts Academy
Joviat Culinary Arts Academy
- Manresa, स्पेन
- Barcelona, स्पेन + 1 अधिक
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
Canvee Life School
Canvee Life School
- Valencia, स्पेन
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
Norman Foster Institute
Norman Foster Institute
- Madrid, स्पेन
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
Universitat de Vic – Study Abroad
Universitat de Vic – Study Abroad
- Vic, स्पेन
- Barcelona, स्पेन
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
Universitat de Vic
Universitat de Vic
- Barcelona, स्पेन
- Vic, स्पेन
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
OTOXO Productions
OTOXO Productions
- Barcelona, स्पेन
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
Culinary Institute of Barcelona
Culinary Institute of Barcelona
- Barcelona, स्पेन
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
Fundació Pere Tarrés
Fundació Pere Tarrés
- Barcelona, स्पेन
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
European Centre for Career Education
European Centre for Career Education
- Prague, चेक रिपब्लिक
- Madrid, स्पेन
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
- Barcelona, स्पेन
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
IAU College
IAU College
- Naperville, युनाइटेड स्टेट्स ऑफ अमेरिका
- Barcelona, स्पेन + 1 अधिक
अमेरिकी विश्वविद्यालयों के लिए संस्थान का मिशन अंतर्राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा में उत्कृष्टता प्रदान करना, पारस्परिक जागरूकता को प्रेरित करना और यूरोपीय और भूमध्यसागरीय इतिहास, भाषाओं, संस्कृतियों और समकालीन मुद्दों के अध्ययन के माध्यम से एक वैश्विक समुदाय में सफलता के लिए छात्रों को तैयार करना है।
Asociación Profesional de Criminólogos de España
Asociación Profesional de Criminólogos de España
- Madrid, स्पेन
कई वर्षों के लिए, प्रोफेशनल कॉलेजिएट एसोसिएशन ऑफ़ क्रिमिनोलॉजिस्ट ऑफ़ स्पेन ने अपने पूरे प्रोफेशनल असाइनमेंट, साथ ही साथ उन पाठ्यक्रमों और व्यावहारिक गतिविधियों में भारी सफलता के साथ पूरे स्पेन में अपना मार्च शुरू किया। ऊर्ध्वाधर विकास के कारण, उन्होंने इस मंच को बनाने के लिए कई पेशेवरों पर भरोसा किया है, जो हालांकि संबंधित हैं, पूरी तरह से स्वतंत्र हैं।
ZubiGune Fundazioa
ZubiGune Fundazioa
- Usurbil, स्पेन
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...